Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Motor GP 2012 @ Sepang Part 1

Hey guys !! Missing me !?! I've been MIA since the teaser 3 days ago. Now i'm here to post it!! Had been too busy and lazy to blog. My determination is actually started going downhill.....Mehh

So last Saturday(Friday to be exact) i went to Sepang to work for Motor GP 2012 at Sepang under the food and beverages section with Mun Keong, Zhao Tong and le twins Shih Wei and Shih EE and Mun Keong's friends. I went there at Friday night and it wasn't a pleasant experience particularly on the FRIDAY NIGHT. That dude that suppose to fetch us to Sepang called us to wait at Kuchai McDonald on 9.30 p.m. But guessed what!??!!! He and the dude that is suppose to fetch us(another random guy we completely no idea that he's coming) only reach there 4 HOURS LATER!!!! AT 1.30 AM!!!!! WE WAITED THERE LIKE SH FOR 4 HOURS AND HE ACTUALLY WANTED US TO WAKE UP 5 AM THE NEXT DAY TO PREPARE.

Ok, he said there's some problem regarding hotel at Nilai had to be settle and so it took so long. I MEAN COME ON!! Ok i forgive you that you settle the hotel because for us to sleep BUT DANG!!!! HELOO MAMA?!! YOU CAN ACTUALLY INFORM US THAT YOU'RE GONNA REACH LATE SO THAT WE DON'T HAVE TO COME SO EARLY AND CAN GO TO SHIH EE AND SHIH WEI HOUSE TO SLEEP OR REST!!!!THAT'S THE PART THAT PISSED ME OFF. WE BLANTLY WAITED FOR  4 FRIGGIN' HOURS.

Reached the hotel around 2.30 a.m and went straight to bed and manage to sleep at 3 a.m and woke up at 5 a.m. Only managed to get some 2 hours beauty sleep. What's more pissing me off is they called us to standby at 6 am because they wanted us to go there early to set up but in the end they only manage to bring everyone there at 7.30 a.m !! Well its good actually cause i can actually slack.

Reached there around 8 a.m and waiting the "bosses" to settle up the booth and only start working at 9 a.m . Means i actually slacked for 2 hours. Hahahahaha. Heard that they have some misunderstanding with the Sepang place and so they actually hired too many people. So one small booth actually consist of 11 workers.

Working experience were FUN!! Its was a great experience where all the colleague are super nice and friendly, even the head of booth are nice and soooo friendly to us. Despite all the sucks arrangement they made( that's not related to my booth leader), i enjoyed the working time there and actually hope to return for the second day because we are promised by them to work for 2 days. 

Mana tau end of the day, the boss say they want to CUT PEOPLE BECAUSE SHORTAGE OF MONEY. They eventually cut some of our friends and so we decided to pull out together. What's so touching is that our colleague felt sad to have us leaving. AWW!! SO NICE OF THEM ;')

Here's some photos to do the talking

I'm too boring so i took a photo because all the peeps are not awake yet! 6 a.m !!
When they actually woke up and done prepare, i don't know why the hell i'm doing this.

You probably seen this previously.

HAHAHAH! Another masterpiece LOLOLOL

There way tons more but these 2 are the nicest so i only post these. I REALLY REALLY SUCK IN POSING.

Here's some photos taken during having a small break at work

Mun Keong & Shih Ee (Dodo bitches) 
Stephanie & Shih Wei
Charmaine, Stephanie & Mun Keong
With bitch, light actually blows our face offf. We look CB flawless hahahaha

Lastly, a photo to start that day.

There's a part 2 of my journey in Nilai. I don't wanna squeeze too many things in one post or else you're gonna pengsan i swear!! Because its just too longggg.

Part 2 will be about my freakin' 2nd or 3rd time being in a FUNFAIR

Signinggg off, goo

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