Friday, October 26, 2012

Eugenia's 19th Birthday Bash

I'm back again with yet another birthday post. Had too much people having their birthday since a month ago. Nearly 10 of them had it. Its making me BROKE but birthday is a happy thing soo yeahh!! Its worth the broke :P JUST BEING NICE HAHAHAHAHA

Next up on the list is Miss Eugenia Liew's birthday which was on 22nd October of 2012. We eventually had a simple surprise for her on the 12am of 22nd. Mickey rang me up saying that there only a few attendee for it as some people have their own stuff to be settle.

Coincidently, my Industrial Project Groupmates are here at my home to discuss about the project that night which Shih Wei and Shih Ee who are close to the birthday girl are present. So, i dragged them to tagged along.

Joined by Ming Long, Mickey, Gigi, Zhao Tong & Nelson later on at the birthday girl's house. Gave her a surprise after her maid opened the door.

We actually made her stand on the chair :P
The Birthday Girl :)
Due the problem that we did not have a photographer that day. We used the big mirror in the house to take a group photo. We are smart asses :P

That's the end of that night.

Later on the next night, we had a celebration for her again. This time at Setia Walk's Sector 7. I gotta say that place is really great to chill and the beer there are affordable( maybe because its weekdays )

Basically we had fun and dancing around taking photos. A fun night afterall. But the worst thing is we have a 10am class the next day. Some of them even have 8am class. Most of the boys got tipsy and in the end absent for class the next day HAHAHAHAHA.

Now i just let the photos to talk.

Another birthday cake :D
Some love photos with Mae Li & Vivian
Collage Love <3

This is superb funny !! HAHAHAA Loving Shih Wei's face
 And some photos credits to birthday girl Eugenia and Janecy

Sevia, Nelson and Janecy. Nelson decided to go all deep V
Janecy & Shih Ee
Birthday girl wants all of us to look. CHOK?

That's all for Eugenia's celebration. Wish she enjoyed her big big day <3

I totally chose the wrong outfit because it makes me look SUPER FAT!!!! ARGHHH!!!

Byeeeee byeeeee!!!!!

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