Saturday, October 13, 2012

INTI Diploma Convocation Day

Hey guys !! Its been the longest while since i last blogged isn't it? Haha!! I've been pretty busaayyyy these few days and finally i have the time to blog at this breezy Friday night.

So, what's up for today ? This morning i've gone to the convocation day for Diploma student's of INTI at Grand Dorsett Hotel in Subang Jaya. This is actually my second time attending graduation ceremony while my first was my brother's Degree Graduation at One World Hotel.

Graduation ceremony normally only have one word from mouth. BORED ! LOL. However, i went there after the ceremony ended around 12pm because i slept late last night and was unable to wake up the next day! Rushed there right after wake up and manage reach on the right time to capture with the graduates peeps. Smart move by me to avoid boredom. Hohoho...

Well, the ballroom was kinda nice and the air conditioner there was just right.

Make some love with my graduating friends by snapping photos
Jia En
Just introduced them...sooo...yeah haha
After that, went out to look for my Mass Communication seniors and Vivian Tan hor!! NEVER ANSWER MY CALL BECAUSE SHE'S BUSY TAKING PHOTO!!! Zhin gak much !!! But she saw me then hug me. Can larhhhh!

Vivian che che !

Bitch Sister May Cih, she damn drama when she see me also hahaha!

Lin Yng, she's not graduating tho :p
Then suddenly there's one lady pat on me suddenly and guess who?!! She's my previous lecturer who left the college. MISS HER SO MUCH!!! She say i lan ci can't see her !!!! Misss, can't be blame laa...erhem erhem (if you know what i mean)

Miss Kiva Witha. 

Group photo with the graduates
Had some camwhore session with Jia En. Hahaha

Take,1 2 and 3!!

Left for Sunway Pyramid after that to have brunch. Ciaoo home and sleep after that, uber sleepy. I purposely wake up to see you all hor !!! Eventhough i'm f-kin sleepy. Hahahah. Anyway!! Congratulations once again !

Well one last photo,
OOTD? Haha. Bought this rainbow colored button clothes  from  Kakkoii House

2 more years for myself to graduate. Wonder what was the feeling gonna be. Goodnightt!!

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